Tailored storytelling workshops for organizations.
Specialized in health, science & knowledge translation.

About KT Storytelling

Hi, I’m Renira. I founded Knowledge Translation (KT) Storytelling to help people and organizations in the health and science sectors tell better stories. Why? Because I believe storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we have to connect with others and share knowledge, yet most of us have never been trained in it. That’s one gap. Another gap exists between research and practice. It can take a long time to apply new evidence to the way we do things. The KT field was developed to help bridge the gap between knowing and doing. Check out my spoken word poem to learn more.

Storytelling can help get a message to those who need to hear it, raise awareness, and influence others—all common goals of KT. Whether you’re a researcher who wants to tell the story of your work, or a patient advisor who wants to promote change, KT Storytelling has something for you. Interested in learning how to tell good stories? Get in touch to book a virtual or in-person storytelling workshop.

About Renira Narrandes, MA, MSc(OT), MPH

I’m a South African-Canadian storyteller, spoken word artist, and knowledge translation (KT) specialist who has performed in North America, Europe, on TV, in podcasts, and at academic conferences and events. Despite being detail-oriented and methodical, I didn’t always know where my path was going. My journey so far has included three master’s degrees (journalism, occupational therapy, public health), two life-changing events, and one near-death experience.

In 2018, I started running storytelling workshops for researchers, clinicians, patient partners, community members, and others. It was something I did for fun, in my spare time, and through word-of-mouth advertising. Since then, I’ve trained hundreds of people on how to tell stories. Check out my gallery to see some of that work in action.

Professionally, and since 2016, I’ve held lead KT positions at two of Canada’s largest academic hospitals. I’ve developed organization-level KT and evaluation strategies and have also executed those strategies. I’ve done all things KT—from developing evidence-based clinical tools to implementing a care pathway to marketing resources to working with partners in the hospital and community. Currently, I’m the Knowledge Translation Program Manager at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. You can read more on LinkedIn, but all I really want you to know about me is that I love stories and can’t wait to hear yours.

Organizations Renira has worked with: